St. Laurence in the Community

Living our Faith in the Wider World

St. Laurence is committed to living out The Five Marks of Mission of the Anglican Church:

Proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom

Teach, baptize, and nurture new believers

Respond to human need by loving service

Seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation

Strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth

  • St. Laurence is committed to living out all five of these Marks of Mission, especially the three

    that call us to act for justice in the world. Over the years, most of the parish, including the

    children and youth, have been involved in outreach projects of one kind or another such as:

    Water filter donations for the Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology

    Sandwiches for the Drop-in Centre

    Participation in the Calgary Inter-faith Food Bank

    Donations to The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund

    Sponsorship of a Syrian refugee family

    Educational programs offered at St. Laurence focusing on food security and environmental sustainability, including a book study of The Omnivore’s Dilemma and the film In Defense of Food

Calgary Alliance for the Common Good

In divisive times we need people who will work toward unity. People who can cross barriers. People who will fight for what is right and for the Common Good of all. People like the members of the Calgary Alliance for the Common Good.

The Calgary Alliance for the Common Good, of which St. Laurence Anglican Church is a founding member, is a non-partisan and non-profit alliance of faith groups, unions, education institutions, and ethno-cultural and community groups in Calgary representing more than 35,000 people in 33 organizations. It organizes Calgary’s civil society into a broad-based diverse organization for the purpose of establishing a voice for the city’s citizens, particularly the most vulnerable.

The Calgary Alliance has successfully initiated important advocacy and collaborative actions at the municipal level to advocate for issues related to mental health, police protection, transportation issues, environmental action, and truth and reconciliation.

St. Laurence has participated in the Calgary Alliance since the early organizing years beginning in 2010. Our former rector, the Reverend Anna Greenwood-Lee, served as first president of the Calgary Alliance’s board and became a primary media spokesperson.

Our congregation contributes in many ways:
• Participation in Research Action Teams where the work on issues take place
• Leadership for Sunday “Conversations” dialogues about the key initiatives
• Attendance at annual Delegates Assemblies
• Financial support as a dues-paying member of the Calgary Alliance

We welcome all to participate in St. Laurence’s efforts with the Calgary Alliance. For more information, please contact us.

Please consider supporting our mission.

St. Laurence Anglican Church relies on donations from our generous community to continue providing immersive worship and community services.